Tango: Assemblage of Impossible Loves, by Magdalena Lily McCarson

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Magdalena Lily McCarson embodies the allure and the beauty of Argentine tango in poems and photographs. Printed in color on 70# stock with a matte laminate paperback cover. 90 pages. Release date: May 3, 2022.

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Magdalena Lily McCarson embodies the allure and the beauty of Argentine tango in poems and photographs. Printed in color on 70# stock with a matte laminate paperback cover. 90 pages. Release date: May 3, 2022.

Magdalena Lily McCarson embodies the allure and the beauty of Argentine tango in poems and photographs. Printed in color on 70# stock with a matte laminate paperback cover. 90 pages. Release date: May 3, 2022.

Renowned international photographer Magdalena Lily McCarson here turns toward Argentine tango, one of her great passions. Her poems and photographs embody the allure and sensuality of this international dance. The work in this volume ranges from the streets and milongas of Buenos Aires to the human form itself, coming together to create this assemblage of impossible loves dedicated to an enduring artform.

Magdalena Lily McCarson is an artist first and foremost. She is a singer-songwriter, dancer, photographer, farmer, and believer of life. Her inspirations stem from nature, truth, and the written word. She takes great pride in embodying worldly observations, and from this, she crafts poetry and prose to encourage her readers to dream. She lives in Peña Blanca, New Mexico, where she runs a small organic-minded community farm. She’s an avid tango dancer and can be found wrapped up in someone’s arms enjoying a tanda somewhere in this world.

She is also the author of Type and the photographer of Wild Expectations, both available from Casa Urraca Press.

Tango: Assemblage of Impossible Loves is printed on 70# white stock with a matte laminate paperback cover. 90 pages. Release date: May 3, 2022.

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