High Wind Warning - poems by River Stingray


The debut collection that “brings a new and fresh voice to the multitude of talented Southwest poets.” Published on April 23, 2024.

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The debut collection that “brings a new and fresh voice to the multitude of talented Southwest poets.” Published on April 23, 2024.

The debut collection that “brings a new and fresh voice to the multitude of talented Southwest poets.” Published on April 23, 2024.

This bookstore edition is run on 50# creme paper with a matte laminate paperback cover, printed and bound in the United States.

Praise for High Wind Warning

“River’s wonderful poems open us to both sorrow and delight. Then, she blows the door off its hinges.  With a word or phrase she takes us into the quirkier, more interesting world that lies just below sorrow and delight.  We accompany her into the wilderness—to the mountains and deserts of New Mexico and the bars and taco trucks of Santa Fe.  What a ride!”

- Oro Lynn Benson, author of Because of the Sands of Time

“This young poet melds herself into the power of the New Mexico landscape, turning her words into a blanket of solace as she licks wounds that are of the body and the spirit. Her poems are brief, the images almost surreal and to the point. Reading them is like being privy to snippets of her own personal vision quest. River Stingray’s debut collection brings a new and fresh voice to the multitude of talented Southwest poets. Here’s to an impressive first book; may it be the first of many to come.”

- Richard Vargas, author of leaving a tip at the Blue Moon Motel and How A Civilization Begins

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